Research output (2010-)

»Original papers

沼田真也、野田江里、木下万里、生亀正照、川原晋(2010)マレーシアのエコツーリズム-マレーシア森林研究所における取り組みを事例に- 観光科学研究 3:9-15

Hashim, M., Marghany, M., Okuda, T. and Numata, S. (2010) Risk assessment mapping of landscape development based on ecological service and goods in Malaysia lowland tropical rainforest. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (USA) 12: 58-69

Numata, S., Oguchi, S., Yamamoto, Y., Imura, H., and Kawakami, K. (2010) Medical device development in crisis: a movement for technology innovation in health and medicine in Japan. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice 12 (3) 330-336

木下万里、山菅香、Noor Azlin Yahya、沼田真也 (2011) 自然資源を有する研究機関の一般公開に関する一考察 観光科学研究 4:85-89

Suzuki, R.O. Numata, S., Okuda, T., Nur Supardi M.N., Abd. Rahman K. and Kachi, N. (2012) Species associations among dipterocarp species coexisting in a Malaysian tropical rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 28: 281-289

Numata, S., Suzuki, R. O., Nishimura, S., Naito, Y., Konuma, A., Tsumura, Y., Tani, N., Okuda, T., and Nur Supardi M. N. (2012) Fruiting behavior of dipterocarps in two consecutive episodes of general flowering in a Malaysian lowland rain forest. Journal of Forest Research 17: 378-387

座間いづみ、沼田真也 (2013) 複数事業者の同一海域利用における軋轢の回避 ―東京都神津島の漁業、遊漁業、ダイビング事業を事例として― 観光科学研究 6: 45-51

Numata, S., Yasuda, M., Suzuki, R. O., Hosaka, T., Nur Supardi, M. N. Fletcher, C. D. and Mazlan, H. (2013) Geographical pattern and environmental correlates of regional-scale general flowering in Peninsular Malaysia. PLoS ONE.8: e79095

Masuda, S., Tani, N., Ueno, S., Lee, S. L. Muhammad, N., Kondo, T., Numata, S., and Tsumura, Y. (2013) Non-density dependent pollen dispersal of Shorea maxwelliana (Dipterocarpaceae) revealed by a Bayesian mating model based on paternity analysis in two synchronized flowering seasons. PLoS ONE. 8: e82039.

Hashim, M., Shukor, M. S., Numata, S., Ahmad, S. and Misbari, S. (2014) Mapping and Modelling of Animal Diversity Index in Green Campus Using Integrated Geospatial Technique and In-Situ Camera Trapping. FIG Congress 2014(6807). 1-15.

生亀正照、沼田真也、保坂哲朗 (2014) :多摩丘陵に生育する絶滅危惧種タマノホシザクラの分布と多摩ニュータウン開発との関連性 景観生態学 19:139-148

櫻澤明樹、保坂哲朗、沼田真也 (2015) 帯広市ばんえい競馬観光客の馬券購入特性 観光科学研究 8: 125-131

Mahmud, M. R., Numata, S., Matsuyama, H., Hosaka, T. and Hashim, M. (2015) Assessment of effective seasonal downscaling of TRMM precipitation data in Peninsular Malaysia. Remote Sensing. 7: 4092-4111

Hassan, N., Numata, S., Hosaka, T., and Hashim, M. (2015) Remote detection of blooming Somei Yoshino (Cerasus x yedoensis) in an urban park using IKONOS imagery: a comparison of hard and soft classifiers ability. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 9: 096046

Mahmud, M. R., Matsuyama, H., Hosaka, T. and Numata, S. (2015) Temporal downscaling of TRMM rain-rate images using principal component analysis during heavy tropical thunderstorms. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 16: 2264-2275

沼田真也、可知直毅、保坂哲朗 (2016) 研究活動は観光資源になり得るか?日本の世界自然遺産地における学術研究活動の役割 観光科学研究 9: 121-126.

Aihara, Y., Hosaka, T., Yasuda, M., Hashim, M. and Numata, S. (2016) Mammalian wildlife tourism in Southeast Asian tropical rainforests: the case of Endau Rompin National Park, Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 28: 172-186.

Hosaka, T., Y. Yumoto, Y. Y. Chen, I. F. Sun, S. J. Wright, S. Numata, Nur Supardi MN (2016) Sequential flowering of dipterocarps and pre-dispersal seed predation; which is better, early or late flowering. Biotropica. doi: 10.1111/btp.12371

Azmy, M., T. Hosaka, S. Numata. (2016) Responses of four hornet species to the level of urban greenness in Nagoya city, Japan- implications for ecosystem disservices of urban green spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.18: 117-125.

Widiyatno, M. Na'iem, S. Indrioko, K. Uchiyama, S. Numata, A. Matsumoto, and Y. Tsumura (2016) Effects of different silvicultural systems on the genetic diversity of Shorea parvifolia populations in the tropical rainforest of Southeast Asia. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 12: 73. doi:10.1007/s11295-016-1030-y

Hosaka, T., & Numata, S. (2016) Spatiotemporal dynamics of urban green spaces and human-wildlife conflicts in Tokyo. Scientific Reports.6: 30911; doi: 10.1038/srep30911.

Tani, N., Lee, S. L., Lee C. T., Ng, K. K. S., Muhammad, N., Niiyama, K., Yaghihashi, T., Otani, T., Kondo, T., Numata, S., Nishimura, S., Fukasawa, K., Pakkad, G., Okuda, T., Kasshim, A. R., Musa, S., Tsumura, Y. (2016) Selective logging simulation and male fecundity variation support different forest management criteria among groups of dipterocarp species. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 28:369-381.

Azmy, M. M., Hashim, M., Numata, S., Hosaka, T., Md. Noor, N. S., and Fletcher, C. D. (2016) Satellite-based characterization of climatic conditions before large-scale general flowering events in Peninsular Malaysia. Scientific Reports. 6, 32329; doi: 10.1038/srep32329

Hosaka, T., Kurimoto, M. & Numata, S. (2016) An overview of insect-related events in modern Japan ―extent and characteristics. American Entomologist. 62: 228-234.

Hashim, M, Ito, S. S. Misbari, S. Numata, T. Hosaka, N. N. Yahya, S. Ahmad, M. Hossain (2017) Using fisher knowledge, mapping population, habitat suitability and risk for the conservation of dugongs in Johor Straits of Malaysia. Marine Policy. 78:18-25.

保坂哲朗、栗本美咲、沼田真也 (2017) 日本の昆虫文化と昆虫ツーリズム 観光科学研究 10: 57-64

Hosaka, T., K. Sugimoto, S., Numata (2017) Effects of childhood experience with nature on tolerance of urban residents toward hornets and wild boars in Japan. PLoS ONE. 12(4): e0175243.

Widiyatno, M. Budiadi, Priyono S., Yohanes D.B.M.R., Sukirno D.P., Y. Hendro, T. Hosaka, S. Numata (2017) Changes in vegetation structure and soil nutrient status with fallow years of swidden agriculture in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia . Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 29:151-162.

Widiyatno, S. Indrioko, M. Na'iem, S. Purnomo, T. Hosaka, N. Tani, S. Numata, A. Matsumoto, and Y. Tsumura (2017) Effects of logging rotation in a lowland dipterocarp forest on mating system and gene flow in Shorea parvifolia. Tree Genetics & Genomes. doi:10.1007/s11295-017-1167-3

Hosaka, T., K. Sugimoto. & S. Numata (2017) Childhood experience of nature influences the willingness to coexist with biodiversity in cities. Palgrave Communications.3:17071 doi: 10.1057/palcomms.2017.71.

Chen Y. Y., A. Satake, I. F. Sun, Y. Kosugi , M. Tani, S. Numata, S. P. Hubbell, C. Fletcher, N. S. Md. Noor, S. J. Wright (2017) Species-specific flowering cues among general flowering Shorea species at the Pasoh Research Forest, Malaysia. Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12836

Mohamad Muslim, H. F., T. Hosaka, S. Numata, N. A. Yahya (2017) Nature-related experience during childhood in Urban and Rural Areas: the case of Peninsular Malaysians. Urban Studies Research. 2017. 7349219,

Yeoh, S. H., A. Satake, S. Numata, T. Ichie, S. L. Lee, N. Basherudin, N. Muhammad, T. Kondo, T. Otani, M. Hashim, N. Tani (2017) Unraveling proximate cues and timing of mass flowering in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia from gene expression analyses. Molecular Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/mec.14257

Numata, S., Kachi, N., Okuda, T. & Manokaran, N. (2017) Distance- and density-dependent leaf dynamics of seedlings of a tropical rainforest tree. Oecologia. 185: 213-220. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-017-3935-z

Cao, L., K. Fukumori, T. Hosaka, S. Numata, M. Hashim, T. Kosaki (2018) The distribution of an invasive species, Clidermia hirta along roads and trails in Endau Rompin National Park, Malaysia. Tropical Conservation Science. 11: 1940082917752818. DOI: 10.1177/1940082917752818

Mahmud, M. R., M. Hashim, S. Numata, T. Hosaka, T. and H. Matsuyama, H. (2018) Spatial downscaling of satellite precipitation data in humid tropics using site specific seasonal co-efficient. Water. 2018; 10(4):409

Mohamad Muslim, H. F., T. Hosaka, S. Numata, N. A. Yahya (2018) Nature experience promotes public preference for and willingness to coexist with wild animals in Malaysia. Ecological Processes. 7: 18.

Hosaka, T., Numata, S., Sugimoto, K. (2018) Relationship between childhood nature play and adulthood participation in nature-based recreation among urban residents in Tokyo area. Landscape and Urban Planning. 180: 1-4.

Ngo, K. M., T. Hosaka, S. Numata. (2019) The influence of childhood nature experience on attitudes and tolerance towards problem-causing animals in Singapore. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. DOI

Hosaka, T., L. Di, K. Eguchi, S. Numata. (2019) Ant assemblages on food litter and food removal rates on different land covers in urban and suburban parks of Tokyo. Basic and Applied Ecology. 37: 1-9.

Foo, Y. S., Numata, S. (2019) Deforestation and forest fragmentation in and around Endau-Rompin National Park, Peninsular Malaysia. Tropics. 28: 23-37.

Ota, A., E. Takagi, M. Hashim, T. Hosaka, S. Numata. (2019) Effects of nonlethal tourist activity on the diel activity patterns of mammals in a national park in Peninsular Malaysia. Global Ecology and Conservation. 20: e00772

Mahmud, M. R., S. Numata, T. Hosaka (2020) Mapping an invasive goldenrod of Solidago altissima in urban landscape of Japan using multi-scale remote sensing and knowledge-based classification. Ecological Indicators.111: 105975.

Nugroho, P, S. Numata. (2020) Resident support of community-based tourism development: Evidence from Gunung Ciremai National Park, Indonesia. Journal of Sustainable Tourism:1-16.

Nugroho, P, S. Numata. (2020) Perceived forest-based ecosystem services and attitudes toward forest rehabilitation: a case study in the upstream of central Java, Indonesia. Journal of Forestry Science (Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan):14(2). 185-197.

Nugroho, P, S. Numata. (2020) Changes in residents’ attitudes toward community-based tourism through destination development in Gunung Ciremai National Park, Indonesia. Journal Tourism Recreations Research. DOI: 10.1080/02508281.2020.1808753.

Nugroho, P, S. Numata. (2020) Influence of sociodemographic profiles on support of an emerging community-based tourism destination in Gunung Ciremai National Park, Indonesia. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 1-26, doi:10.1080/10549811.2020.1841007 (2020).

Sugiyama, N., T. Hosaka, E. Takagi, S. Numata. (2021) How do childhood nature experiences and negative emotions towards nature influence preferences for outdoor activity among young adults? Landscape and Urban Planning. 205:

Zakaria, H. M., K. Hihara, S. Numata. (2021) Expenditure patterns of foreign resident visitors and foreign tourist visitors at a day-trip nature-based destination. Tourism and Hospitality. 2: 277-287.

Hossain, M. I., S. Numata. (2021) Effects of land-related policies on deforestation in a protected area: the case study of Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary, Bangladesh. Conservation.1: 168-181.

Zakaria, H. M., K. Hihara, S. Numata. (2021) Expenditure-based segmentation of foreign visitors in a nature reserve in Tokyo, Japan. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, and Culinary Arts. 13: 1-14.

Hossain, M. I, S. Numata, U. Saika. (2021) Stakeholder perceptions of protected area management: The case of the Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Research. 12:75-96.

»Review articles

沼田真也 (2014) 東京の生物多様性とその展望 地学雑誌 123: 497-515

Mohamad Muslim, H. F., S. Numata, N. A. Yahya (2017) Development of Malaysian Homestay Tourism: A Review. International Journal of Tourism Science (観光科学研究) 10: 65-74

»Books/Book chapters

長田典之・安田雅俊・松林尚志・沼田真也(翻訳) (2013) (R. T. Corlett著)アジアの熱帯生態学 東海大学出版会 276頁

沼田真也 (2014) マレーシアのエコツーリズム 世界地誌シリーズ 7.東南アジア・オセアニア 朝倉書店 p96 (176頁)

沼田真也 (2015) 自然ツーリズムの基礎としての生態学 よく分かる観光学シリーズ2 自然ツーリズム学 朝倉書店 pp22-33

沼田真也 (2015)  エコツーリズムの見方、考え方 よく分かる観光学シリーズ2 自然ツーリズム学 朝倉書店 pp57-69

佐竹暁子・沼田真也・谷尚樹・市栄智明 (2015)  一斉開花:多様な種が同調して刻む繁殖リズム 新田梢、陶山佳久(編)生物リズムの生態学 時をはかる生物たちの多様性 文一総合出版 pp105-112

Mohamad Muslim H.F., Yahya N.A., Numata S., Hosaka T. (2018) Ethnic Differences in Satisfaction with the Attractiveness of Tropical Urban Parks. In: McLellan B. (eds) Sustainable Future for Human Security. Springer, Singapore. Pp147-159.

Numata, S. & Hosaka, T. (in press) The Current Status and Prospects for Biodiversity in Tokyo. Tokyo as a global city: New Geographical Perspectives. in T Kikuchi and T. Sugai (eds), Springer Singapore.

沼田真也・保坂哲朗・木悦郎 (2018)  マレーシアの熱帯雨林における自然資源利用とワイルドライフツーリズム 菊地俊夫(編)ツーリズムの地理学 ―観光から考える地域の魅力― 二宮書店

Hassan, N., Hashim, M., Numata, S., Tarmidi, M. Z. (2020) Estimation of chengal trees relative abundance using coarse spatial resolution hyperspectral systems, in: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing (P. C. Pandey, P. K. Srivastava, H. Balzter, B. Bhattacharya, G. P. Petropoulos, eds.), Elsevier, pp. 107-120.


中村亮二、辻真博、山本雄士、沼田真也、川上浩司、井村裕夫 (2010)  日本版FDA設立の必要性と働きかけ 医学のあゆみ 234: 46-848

井口恵理子、沼田真也 (2013)調査地域の観光活動に対する研究者の意識調査―マレーシア自然保護区の事例 日本生態学会誌 63:133-140.

Mahmud, M. R., Numata, S., Matsuyama, H., and Mazlan H. (2014) Space-based precipitation radar for spatio-temporal hydrology analysis. Coordinates.10: 35-39.

安田雅俊、八代田千鶴、栗原智昭、安田晶子、安田樹生、沼田真也 (2015) 電気伝導率からみた九州の環境水の特徴−スイス,イタリア,マレーシアとの比較−熊本野生生物研究会誌. 8: 21-27.

保坂哲朗、沼田真也 (2017) 都市緑地と害虫・害獣被害の関係-「生物多様性社会」におけるペストコントロール Pest Control Tokyo. 72: 25-29

沼田真也 (2019) 観光・ツーリズム分野における生物多様性:取り組みと課題 日本生態学会誌. 69: 23-27.

沼田真也 (2019) マレーシアの農村観光─トレンガヌ州Setiu wetland を事例として─ 農村計画学会誌. 38: 23-26.

沼田真也 (2019) 都市の自然環境と生物多様性の保全:東京を事例に グリーン・エージ. 6月号: 4-7.

Hassan, N., Hashim, M., Numata, S., Tarmidi, Z., 2020, Upscaling Remote Estimation on Relative Abundance of Chengal Trees in Tropical Rainforest using Modified Canopy Fractional Cover (mCFC) Approach, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 540:012007.

沼田真也 (2020) 新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックが人々の活動に与えた影響 . グリーン・エージ. 6月号: 26-29.

